If you miss the days of The Dirty House of fun (without the music) then you have come to the right place! you could hear a little bit of anything! Bits from old shows, rants, discussions, demonstrations, cute Stuff from my boys, Random topics, and everything in between! It's all here!
RSS iTunes2023-08-20
We walk you threw adding, and deleting bard books from your SensePlayer
In this podcast we show you the correct way to not only add Bard books from your computer to your SensePlayer, but show you the correct way to delete them as well. Someone on mastodon got a hold of me and told them that someone from Hims told them you *had* to delete the books using your computer. THIS IS COMPLETELY WRONG AND CREATES A HELL OF A MESS! I do plan on contacting someone from Hims to correct this information. I hope you find this podcast helpful.
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