If you miss the days of The Dirty House of fun (without the music) then you have come to the right place! you could hear a little bit of anything! Bits from old shows, rants, discussions, demonstrations, cute Stuff from my boys, Random topics, and everything in between! It's all here!
RSS iTunes2024-01-15
In this podcast I am going to show you how you could make a backup of your windows drive, and then restore that image using core recovery. People can say what they want about levtec, but as you will hear in this podcast this program was extremely useful
This is something I wish was as easy to do today as it was back when I had Core Recovery. I know this podcast will seem out of date, and it is, but it still shows you a program that someone put together where we as blind persons could not only make a backup of our windows drive, but also restore that image as well, and it was fully accessible with a built in NVDA screen reader. Who knows, someone might decide to put something like this together again after hearing this, and if they do, I would be first in line to purchase it.
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